83 Common Swedish Phrases To Survive Your First Conversation With A Swede
by Olly Richards
Are you learning Swedish and want to be able to communicate with Swedish speakers? Or perhaps you're planning a trip to Sweden.
Even though most Swedes speak English at a fluent level, not all do and being able to communicate in their native language could be beneficial for any eager traveller.
Learning some common Swedish phrases goes a long way when wanting to fit in or speak with the locals.
In this post, you'll learn 83 common Swedish phrases. Read on to find out all the useful expressions you need to successfully communicate with a swede.
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By the way, if you want to learn Swedish fast and have fun, my top recommendation is SwedishUncoveredwhich teaches you through StoryLearning®.
With Swedish Uncovered you’ll use my unique StoryLearning® method to learn Swedish through story…not rules. It’s as fun as it is effective. If you’re ready to get started, click here for a 7-day FREE trial.
Common Swedish Phrases To Greet People
The first phrases you learn in any language are usually greetings. Which makes sense? Right? You need to be able to greet someone to actually start the conversation. To make a good impression, it's also essential to greet someone in the right way.
These are some important Swedish greetings you can practice:
#1 Hej– Hello, hi
#2 Hallå – Hey (can be used both as a greeting and trying to get someone's attention)
#3 Hej, hur mår du? – Hi, how are you?
heej, hur mor du
#4 Välkommen – Welcome
vailkommen (ai, like in the word hair)
#5 Hej då/hejdå – Bye
heej do
Common Swedish Phrases To Make Small Talk With A Swede
Small talk in a language you aren't entirely confident in can be scary, but the more you talk, the more confident you become.
And while small talk might be uncomfortable, it's a great way to practice your Swedish skills and make friends at the same time!
Sweden is, in many ways, a bilingual country. And if you've visited Sweden, you've probably encountered swedes who immediately switch to speaking English when they hear that you aren't a native.
It's usually out of consideration, but if you want to practice your Swedish, you can just ask the person you're speaking with to speak Swedish instead. Most are happy to oblige and think it's fun that foreigners want to learn their language!
Here are some common Swedish phrases when making small talk in Swedish:
#6 Vad heter du? – What is your name?
vad heter du
#7 Jag heter… – My name is…
jag heter
#8 Hur mår du? – How are you?
hur mor du
#9 Jag mår bra och du? – I'm well, and you?
jag mor bra och du
#10 Bara bra – Just great
bara bra
#11 Vilket vackert väder vi har idag – What beautiful weather today
Vilket vakkert vaider vi har idag
#12 Såg du på nyheterna idag? – Did you catch the news today?
sog du po nyheterna idag
#13 Vad jobbar du med? – What do you work with?
vad jobbar du med
#14 Vilken gullig hund. Får jag klappa? – What a cute dog. Can I pet him?
vilken gullig hund, for jag klappa
#15 Vad heter han? – What is his name?
vad heter han
#16 Vart kommer du ifrån? – Where are you from?
vart kommer du ifron
#17 Jag är från england – I'm from England.
jag air fron england
#18 Jag är från… – I'm from
jag air fron
#19 Hur gammal är du? – How old are you?
hur gammal air du
#20 Jag är… – I'm…
jag air
Common Swedish Politeness Phrases
Knowing some polite phrases is excellent, so you know what to say when getting stuck in a queue or ordering food.
It's important to note that the Swedish translation of please (snälla) isn't used when ordering food.
So when you want to say: “Can I get the mashed potatoes, please” instead of saying: kan jag få potatismos, snälla, it's better to say: kan jag få potatismos tack.
#21 Tack – Thanks/thank you
#22 Tack så mycket – Thanks a lot (more thankful)
takk so mykket
#23 Varsågod/ingenting att tacka för – You're welcome
varsogod/ingenting att takka foer
#24 Ursäkta – Excuse me
#25 Kan jag få komma förbi här tack – Could I get past here, please?
kan jag fo komma foerbi hair tack
#26 Förlåt – Sorry
#27 Jag är ledsen – I'm sorry
jag air ledsen
Common Swedish Phrases For When You Need Help
Have you ever gone on a trip that didn't go as planned? Don't worry. I can guarantee you that's a universally common experience.
I remember a dear friend of mine that was camping in Sweden for a month. He ended up getting lost in the woods and was gone for about three hours. His phone died, and he had no means to contact anyone. Scary right?
Imagine his joy when he finally (after three hours in the forest) saw a cabin on the hill ahead. (It turned out he wasn't actually that far from civilisation, but he didn't know that at the time).
He knocked on the door and asked to borrow a phone. But he didn't speak Swedish, and the older couple who lived in the cabin didn't speak English. So there he was, lost in a foreign country and trying to communicate with people who didn't understand him at all.
To avoid making the same mistakes as my friend did, here are some useful Swedish phrases to help you whenever you are in trouble in Sweden!
#28 Jag förstår inte vad du menar – I don't understand what you mean
jag foestor inte vad du menar
#29 Jag förstår dig – I understand you
Jag foestor dig
#30 Kan du prata svenska? – Can you speak Swedish?
kan du prata svenska
#31 Kan du prata engelska? – Can you speak English?
kan du prata engelska
#32 Kan du prata ….? – Can you speak….? (add your language)
kan du prata
#33 Jag kan inte prata svenska – I can't speak Swedish
jag kan inte prata svenska
#34 Jag kan prata lite svenska – I can speak a little bit of Swedish
jag kan
#35 Jag håller på att lära mig svenska – I'm learning Swedish
jag holler på att laira mig svenska
#36 Kan du säga det där igen? – Can you say that again?
kan du saiga det dair igen
#37 Kan du säga det lite långsammare? – Can you speak more slowly?
kan du saiga det lite longsammare
#38 Kan du hjälpa mig? – Can you help me?
kan du hjailpa mig
#39 Jag är vilse – I'm lost
Jag air vilse
#40 Vart ligger polisstationen? – Where is the police station?
vart ligger polisstationen
#41 Jag hittar inte min plånbok – My wallet is gone
jag hittar inte min plonbok
#42 Vart ligger närmsta sjukhus? – Where is the closest hospital?
vart ligger nairmaste sjukhus
#43 Jag har skadat mig/jag är skadad – I'm injured
jag har skadat mig/jag air skadad
#44 Jag måste få läkarvård – I need hospital care
jag moste fo laikarvord
#45 Jag är sjuk – I'm sick
jag air sjuk
#46 Vart ligger närmaste toalett? – Where is the closest bathroom?
vart ligger nairmaste toalett
Swedish Phrases To Ask For Directions Or Talk About Transport
If you're a traveller in Sweden, then you most likely want to experience as much of Sweden as possible. To be able to travel around Sweden comfortably, these phrases are a must-have when asking about directions or transportation systems.
#47 Ursäkta, vart ligger… – Excuse me, where is…
ursaikta, vart ligger
#48 Hur kommer jag till… härifrån? – How do I get to… from here?
hur kommer jag till… hairifron
#49 Det ligger därborta – It is over there
det ligger dairborta
#50 Det är här – It's here
det air hair
#51 Gå bara rakt fram – Just go straight ahead
go bara rakt fram
#52 Sväng sedan vänster – Then turn left
svaing sedan vainster
#53 Sväng höger – Turn right
svaing hoeger
#54 Gå över vägen – Cross the road
go oever vaigen
#55 Gå till vänster i korsningen – Turn left at the intersection
go till vänster i korsningen
#56 Gå förbi rondellen – Go straight past the traffic circle
go foerbi rondellen
#57 Hur kommer jag till… – How do I get to…
hur kommer jag till
#58 Flygplatsen – The airport
#59 Tågstationen – The train station
#60 Bushållsplatsen – The bus stop
#61 Tunnelbanan– The underground/subway/metro
#62 Hur får jag tag på en taxi – How do I get a taxi?
hur for jag tag på en taxi
Common Swedish Phrases For Special Occasions
If you've been in Sweden for a while and have perhaps made some Swedish friends, you've probably been invited to some of the Swedish celebrations.
Sweden celebrates multiple holidays yearly, such as midsommar, påsk, valborg and many more. In fact, these holidays are one of the many reasons to learn Swedish!
Knowing some common Swedish phrases related to the holidays or other festivities is helpful when wanting to communicate with the locals.
#63 Glad påsk – Happy påsk
glad posk
#64 Skål! – Cheers
#65 God jul – Merry Christmas
god jul
#66 Gott nytt år – Happy new year
gott nytt or
#67 Glad midsommar – Happy midsommar
glad midsommar
#68 Grattis på födelsedagen – Happy birthday
grattis po foedelsedagen
Common Swedish Phrases For Eating Out Or Shopping
If you're a tourist in Sweden, then you've probably done your fair share of shopping or eating out.
But there are some common Swedish phrases that could be useful when expressing that:
#69 Hur mycket kostar det? – How much does it cost?
hur mycket kostar det
#70 Det kostar… – It costs…
det kostar
#71 Jag vill ha den här – I want this one
jag vill ha den hair
#72 Kan jag betala med kort? – Can I pay with a card?
kan jag betala med kort
#73 Hur många är ni? – How many are you? (When getting a table at a resturant)
hur monga air ni
#74 Vi är tre stycken – We are three people
vi air tre stykken
#75 Vi är redo att beställa – We are ready to order
vi air redo att bestailla
#76 Jag vill ha… – I want the…
jag vill ha
#77 Kan vi få notan tack! – Can we get the bill, please!
kan vi fo notan takk
Check out my post on Swedish numbers so that you have all the language you need for shopping and talking about numbers, dates and times.
Common Swedish Phrases To Say Goodbye
Unfortunately, all trips end, and when it's time for you to say goodbye to your friends, there are a couple of Swedish phrases you can use:
#78 Hej då – Goodbye
hejj do
#79 Ha det så bra – Take care of yourself!
ha det so bra
#80 Vi hörs! – I'll talk to you soon!
vi hoers
#81 Vi ses senare – See you later
vi ses senare
#82 Jag hör av mig – I'll keep in touch
jag hoer av mig
#83 Ni får ha det så trevligt – Have a good time
ni for ha det so trevligt
Learn Common Swedish Phrases By Reading
And there you have it! A list of common Swedish phrases to use when speaking to a native.
As you read, not only will you have fun, but you'll also come across these common Swedish phrases again and again.
Before you know, you'll have picked these phrases up and be ready to use them like a local!
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