With countless YouTube channels, TikTok videos and smartphone apps offering to help you practise and improve, there’s never been a better time to learn French.
And another invaluable yet free resource to turn to if you’re studying is French learning blogs.
The problem is, with such a bewildering array of options vying for your attention, it can be hard to know where to start.
So to give you an idea of some of the best sites to check out, in this post, I give you my 12 top picks for French learning blogs to give your French skills a boost.
Pro Tip
By the way, if you want to learn French fast and have fun, my top recommendation is French Uncovered which teaches you through StoryLearning®.
With French Uncovered, you’ll use my unique StoryLearning® method to learn French through story…not rules. It’s as fun as it is effective. If you’re ready to get started, click here for a 7-day FREE trial.
6 French Learning Blogs About Learning French
There are two types of blog to look out for if you’re learning French – those written about French and those written in French.
The first type consists of French learning blogs intended for those looking for study tips, help with grammar and suggestions for vocab to learn along with cultural notes about the French-speaking world.
They tend to be written in English (or languages other than French, depending on who they’re aimed at). And the best ones contain material for learners of all levels looking for help in their ongoing efforts to master the French language.
Here are my six top picks for French learning blogs of this kind.
1. StoryLearning French Blog
Level: All levels
I’m going to start this roundup with a shameless plug for my own blog – but justifiably so, I would like to think!
If you’re reading this, it means you’ve already found my blog about learning French. But if you've come to this page directly from a search engine, I urge you to explore the other content that’s available here too.
You’ll find all kinds of interesting and useful material such as posts about how to tackle various aspects of French grammar and tips for learning vocabulary alongside cultural articles that talk about everything from Bastille Day to the Tour de France.
In short, it’s got everything you need to get started in French or level-up your learning – so make sure you check out some of the other posts while you’re here!
2. Fluent U
Level: All levels
Another useful resource to know about is Fluent U, a language learning platform based on acquiring language through watching videos.
And their site also has an extensive blog section with lots of useful and interesting content similar to my own.
The site boasts large numbers of posts about topics like vocabulary, conversational expressions, writing emails, lists of French films to watch and much more.
There’s so much content on there that you’re sure to find something to help improve your French in all kinds of ways, making this another valuable blog to add to your list of French study materials.
3. French Today
Level: All levels
French Today is a site that offers French courses, audiobooks and other learning materials.
But it’s also worth checking out for the useful and informative blog section.
There are lots of posts – in English – about French language and culture. For example, you'll find ones about April Fool’s Day in France, Easter traditions and how to cook a gigot d’agneau or roasted leg of lamb.
They also have more language-based posts about things like French for flirting, vocabulary for Easter, nicknames in French and lots more besides.
Some of the content also includes video or audio, so as well as improving your learning skills and your all-round French ability, you’ll also be able to practise a bit of listening and pronunciation while you’re there.
4. French With Agnes
Level: All levels
Another blog for learners of French that I like a lot is French with Agnes, and I’ll tell you why.
Along with posts on cultural topics like French Pancake Day and articles about study tips, there are also lots of simple but extremely useful articles about tricky grammar or vocabulary that sometimes leave learners feeling bamboozled.
For example, there are posts about the difference between jour and journée, when to use bon and when to use bien, when to use il y a, depuis and pendant, the difference between emmener and amener and many others along the same lines.
That means if you have questions about specific grammar or vocabulary points such as these and are looking for clear answers that are easy to understand, this blog is the place to head.
Beyond this, there’s a huge number of other articles dealing with all aspects of French and French culture, which makes it another French learning blog I can thoroughly recommend.
5. Oui, Cest Ça!
Level: All levels
Rather than being a site offering lessons and courses that also happens to have a blog section, Oui, C’est Ça! is a dedicated blog with a whole range of posts dedicated to everything related to learning French.
I like the way many of the posts are about current topics or deal with the kind of things you won’t find in your textbook.
For example, one post that caught my eye was about cussing in French. There’s also one about “making noises in French” (the French equivalents of things like the English “huh?” and similar onomatopoeia). And there’s another one discussing Facebook vocab in French.
Something else I enjoyed was the BD du jour. BD stands for bande dessinée, which is French for comic strip. So the BD de jour is a daily humorous cartoon that’s designed to teach you something new and give you a smile at the same time.
This is a creative, amusing, fun and highly useful French blog and another one you’d do well to have a look at
6. French Together
Level: All levels
French Together is a site that hosts a range of learning materials for paid-up members. But you’ll also find a wealth of informative blog posts that you can read for free.
The content includes posts dedicated to learning vocabulary, posts about grammar, general learning tips and skills and articles about French culture.
Within these categories, you’ll find content discussing how hard French is to learn, posts demystifying la bise (the typical French double-kiss used as a greeting), reviews of French-learning apps and plenty more invaluable material for improving specific areas of your French.
Again, like other quality French learning blogs, this site contains a wealth of material that is constantly being added to. So you’ll discover all manner of posts designed to help improve your knowledge of French.
6 French Learning Blogs In French For Reading Practice
The other type of French blog is the kind written in French. They're usually aimed at native speakers, although the first two I’ve included in my list below are intended for learners.
The advantage of reading French learning blogs like these is that you gain valuable exposure to real, authentic language, allowing you to practise grammar and pick up new vocabulary and expressions, all while enjoying engaging and enriching content.
This is pretty much the foundation of the StoryLearning method, which is all about immersing yourself in your new language thanks to reading stories. But the method also works with content like blogs!
There are thousands of French-language blogs for native speakers, and I’m sure you’ll come across plenty of others to sample.
However, the blogs I suggest here are all well-written, fairly easy to understand and full of interesting material, so you should have no trouble finding something that appeals to you.
The most important thing is to stick to material you like. Don’t feel afraid to try other blogs, and when you do, always look for content that’s at the right level for you – and, above all, that you enjoy reading. By the way, these are just a few of the 10 rules of StoryLearning.
To get you started, here are my top six picks for blogs for French learners written in French.
7. Français Avec Nelly
Level: All levels
Français avec Nelly is a site dedicated to providing lessons to those trying to learn French. So it could easily have been included in the section above.
However, I’ve included it in this section instead for one simple reason – the blog posts are all in French instead of English.
The topics the posts cover are similar to many of those I’ve already mentioned. So you can look forward to reading study tips, learning about French culture, growing your vocabulary and improving your grammar.
However, since it’s all in French rather than in English, it means you can practise your reading skills in French at the same time, bringing you a whole range of additional benefits.
Plus, since this blog is written with students rather than native speakers in mind, the language level is more suitable for those whose French is not yet perfect. So it's the ideal place to start if you want to get stuck into some authentic yet not too tricky French reading.
8. Bien-Dire
Level: Lower intermediate and above
Bien-Dire is an excellent blog for students of French since it hosts posts specifically written for learners who want to improve their language skills through reading.
The topics touch on just about everything related to French culture you can imagine, from history to agriculture and the 2024 JO – or jeux olympiques, the Olympic Games held in Paris.
The articles are all written for specific levels, with most posts indicating the level they are aimed at – for example, B1-B2 or C1-C2.
This is great since when it comes to reading, one of the most important ways of getting the most from the time you spend is having material that’s at just the right level for your ability (another rule of StoryLearning!).
Articles also include vocab lists with new words that you might not know. So all in all, this is one of the best French learning blogs for that I’ve come across – and one I highly recommend.
9. Amoureux Du Monde
Level: Intermediate/upper intermediate and above
There’s no shortage of travel blogs online – this was one of the first genres to appear when blogging originally became popular.
So I have no doubt you’ll be able to find many others you like too.
However, Amoureux du Monde is one that stands out for me thanks to the quality of the posts and the beautiful travel pics that accompany them – which is why, in terms of hits, it’s one of the top French-language travel blogs on the internet.
If you’re stuck at home and dream of travelling to far-off, exotic destinations, this is a blog that will help fire your imagination – all while giving you some valuable French reading material to dive into.
As well as posts about destinations, there are also articles that give you tips about how to improve your travel with sections focusing on photography, optimising your Instagram account, planning trips and more.
It’s a blog intended for natives, but the writing style is succinct and relatively easy. So it’s as good a place as any to start if you think you’re ready to step up to reading native-level material.
10. Cuisine-Moi Un Mouton
Level: Intermediate/upper intermediate and above
A one-stop blog destination for posts about a wide range of lifestyle topics, Cuisine-Moi un Mouton is a site that has something of interest for everyone.
You can search for reading material under headings such as perte de poids (weight loss), beauté (beauty), bien être (well-being), couple (couple), maman (mum) and more.
You’ll then find various articles about your chosen topic, providing you with plenty of reading material to keep you interested.
On the downside, this is a site aimed at native speakers rather than learners. This means if you don’t have the right level of French, most of what’s on this site is likely to be beyond your abilities.
However, for intermediate and advanced learners who are interested in these kinds of lifestyle topics, this slick and well-made website has all the high-quality reading material you could ask for.
11. Turbigo Gourmandises
Level: Intermediate/upper intermediate and above
One of the things France is known for is its world-famous cuisine. And if you want to learn more about French cooking and culinary culture, Turbo Gourmandises is the blog for you.
It’s a veritable treasure trove of authentic recipes, both classic and contemporary. And I also like the Reportages section that contains articles about food-related topics.
For example, there’s a post about wine from the Alsace region and one about a special type of rice grown in Camargue.
And there’s also a series of posts about various destinations in Canada and the food to look out for there. So it’s not just limited to talking about France.
Although it’s aimed at native speakers, the writing style is easy to understand, and the articles aren’t too long, all of which makes it more accessible if you haven’t yet reached an advanced level in French.
You’ll also be able to try out some of the recipes at home. And how the dishes turn out will give you a good indication of how well you’ve understood the instructions!
12. Les Gambettes Sauvages
Level: Intermediate/upper intermediate and above
In France, le bricolage – or DIY – is a national obsession.
And Les Gambettes Sauvages is great blog for anyone who shares this passion for making things themselves.
The focus of this blog is more the kind of arts and crafts DIY than building or upcycling homemade furniture. But if you’re a creative type looking for ideas to brighten up your home with inexpensive projects, you’re sure to love blogger Vanessa’s ideas.
There are also sections on gardening and green living that are all worth a look. And although the articles are intended for native speakers, the style is simple enough for anyone of around intermediate level and above to understand. So it shouldn't be too intimidating for you.
As with Turbigo Gourmandises above, you can also test your comprehension skills by attempting some of the projects to see how well you can follow the instructions.
That means you can create something beautiful and practise your French at the same time – all while having a lot of fun as you do it – and that makes this site a win-win-win!
French Learning Blogs: A Key Learning Resource
If you want to be a successful French learner, it’s vital to incorporate a rich blend of resources for learning French into your study to ensure you're exposed to plenty of authentic language in a range of different formats.
French learning blogs can be an important part of this, giving you all kinds of learning tips and advice as well as providing you with limitless interesting reading material to consume.
One of the best things about French learning blogs is that with such variety on offer, you’re sure to find something you enjoy. And taking pleasure in studying a language is another way of ensuring you meet all your goals as quickly and painlessly as possible!
By the way, if you enjoy reading and want to learn French at any level, French Uncovered, which teaches you through StoryLearning, can help! Try it free for 7 days.